No. 2018 – 48
WHEREAS, the board of the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club has initiated preliminary planning and discussion with Nevada Congressional Representatives for the development of a cultural center dedicated to the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community; and
WHEREAS, the Native Hawaiian community in Las Vegas is recognized as a large and growing population of Native Hawaiians; and
WHEREAS, there currently is no one space dedicated for the specific use for and by members of the Native Hawaiian community and other indigenous groups of the Pacific Basin in Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club, or others with the interest in learning and promoting the culture and language of Hawai‘i and the Pacific Basin; and
WHEREAS, providing and enabling the practice and perpetuation of the traditions, beliefs, language and the arts of the indigenous people of Hawai‘i and other indigenous groups of the Pacific Basin to unite members into one harmonious group; and
WHEREAS, providing a space for the community to take an active interest in the civic, economic, social, health and oral welfare of the community and people of Native Hawaiian ancestry and other indigenous groups of the Pacific Basin along with a dedicated space for the free discussion of issues in the public interest and programs beneficial to the Native Hawaiian community and other indigenous groups of the Pacific Basin in Las Vegas; and
WHEREAS, members of the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club spoke with two Nevada Congressional Representatives and the legislative Assistant for one of Nevada’s U.S. Senators while in Washington, D.C. about development of a cultural center and the potential for matching funds once a business plan is developed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at its 59th Annual Convention in Kalapaki, Kauaʻi, in the malama of Welehu and the rising of ʻOlepau, this 17th day of November 2018, recommending the development of a Cultural Center in Las Vegas, Nevada; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club shall continue to develop a plan for the acquisition of a facility suitable for use as a cultural center, develop a network of Las Vegas businesses willing to support this effort, begin interaction with the Nevada Arts Council, Las Vegas City Council and Nevada State Legislature and continue engagement at the Congressional level; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to Nevada U.S. Senators, Speaker of the Nevada State House of Representatives, Nevada U.S. Representatives, President of the Nevada State Senate, Governor of the State of Nevada, Las Vegas Mayor, Nevada Arts Council, Hawai‘i Congressional Delegation Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, President of the State Senate, Speaker of the State House of Representatives, Chair of the State Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the State House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources & Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and all County Mayors.
The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted in the malama of Welehu and the rising of ‘Olepau on the 17th day of November 2018, at the 59th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs in Kalapaki, Kaua‘i.
Annelle C. Amaral, President