No. 2017 – 20
WHEREAS, Juliette Kekaikuihala Kauhi Galuteria was born on July 16, 1930, in Kapahulu, O‘ahu; and
WHEREAS, her parents were Susie Nani Hussey Kauhi and Joseph Kauhi, and her tutu lady was Ana Kalua Hussey; and
WHEREAS, her childhood home was nestled on the slopes of Diamond Head near the Honolulu Zoo, the Waikīkī Natatorium War Memorial, Kapi‘olani Park, Waikīkī Beach, and Kapahulu Theater, places she would play and frequent during her childhood; and
WHEREAS, she and her ʻohana worshipped and prayed together, loved one another, and the Bible was frequently consulted and guided their daily lives; and
WHEREAS, she was baptized as a child by Kahu Edward Kahale and became a member of the Kawaiaha‘o Church in her pre-teen years and continued her involvement with Kawaiaha’o Church and many other Christian activities throughout her life;
WHEREAS, she married Arnold Galuteria in June 1954, and was blessed with three beautiful children, Brickwood Malahinimaikaainae, Scott Kaliulaokala, and Susie Nani, in addition to numerous beautiful grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and
WHEREAS, her husband Arnold and her children, Scott and Susie, predeceased her and are now with the Lord; and
WHEREAS, she was educated at Waikīkī School, Lili‘uokalani School, Kaimukī High School, class of 1948; and
WHEREAS, she pursued further education after graduation from high school at Honolulu Business College, Honolulu Bible Training, and night classes at community school; and
WHEREAS, she spent her summers in her younger years working in the pineapple fields and canneries, at Bishop Estate for 17 years, followed by 38 years of service with the City and County of Honolulu working with Mayor Blaisdell, the Honolulu City Council, the Honolulu Police Department, and the Department of General Planning retiring in 1998; and
WHEREAS, she unselfishly volunteered her time and served in numerous positions with the Hawai’i Conference United Church of Christ and with the Kawaiaha’o Church; and
WHEREAS, she was mentored in her spiritual life by Kahu William Kamau‘u, Kahu Edward Kahale, Kahu Abraham Akaka, Kahu William Kaina, Kahu James Fung, Hope Kahu Tuck Wah Lee, Hope Kahu Leopold Waiau, Hope Kahu Edward Kapoo, Hope Kahu Dean Fujii, Hope Kahu Ron Ching, Hope Kahu Kimo Mersberg, Hope Kahu James Halfaker, and Lay Pastor Mealii Kalama; and
WHEREAS, she received numerous awards including the City and County of Honolulu Employee of the Year (1976), City of Honolulu May Day Lei Queen (1978), Aloha Week Queen (1966), and Female Lifetime Achievement awardee (2006); and
WHEREAS, she was a frequent and buoying presence at the office of her eldest son, Hawai’i State Senator Brickwood Galuteria; and
WHEREAS, she was called home to the Lord on October 28, 2017.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs
at its 58th Annual Convention in Seattle, Washington, in the malama of ʻIkuwā and the rising of Māhealani, this 4th day of November 2017, honoring the memory of Juliette Kekaikuihala Kauhi Galuteria; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Galuteria ‘Ohana, the Office of State Senator Brickwood Galuteria, as well as the office of Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, the President of the State Senate, Speaker of the State House of Representatives, Chair of the State Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of 10 the State House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources & Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and all County Mayors.
The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted in the malama of ʻIkuwā and the rising of Māhealani on the 4th day of November 2017, at the 58th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs in Seattle, Washington.
Annelle C. Amaral, President