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No. 2019 – 4

REMEBERING DEAR KUPUNA AND MĀNALEO AGNES KELIILOLIOLA (Mahalo) a‘i, a native of kaupō, hāna, maui

WHEREAS, Agnes A‘i was born on January 23, 1927 in Kaupō, Hāna, Maui; and

WHEREAS, having been born in Kaupō and raised by her parents, Campwood Kalema Mahalo, Sr. and Dollie Kiaumalani Keiki Mahalo, and her maternal kūpuna, Edward Keike (of Kōhala) and Rachel Kawineho‘okano Alenuihāhā Keike (of Kaupō), Mrs. A‘i was one of 28 known remaining mānaleo (Native Speakers) of the Hawaiian Language; and

WHEREAS, Agnes A‘i not only had the benefit of being raised by loving parents who spoke Hawaiian to her, but she was also raised by her kūpuna, who lovingly instilled the importance of speaking her native language; and

WHEREAS, Agnes A‘i attended and graduated from Mid Pacific Institute; thus supporting Agnes A‘i, who was already fluent in her native language to be proficient in English as well; and

WHEREAS, Kupuna A‘i was one of Hawai‘i’s charter resource Kūpuna assigned to the Department of Education classrooms in the 1980s; and

WHEREAS, in her capacity as a Department of Education Kupuna, Kupuna A‘i connected, taught and shared the Hawaiian language and culture to thousands of children in the Wai‘anae District, serving at nearly every public elementary school in the district; and

WHEREAS, Kupuna A‘i and her sister Marguerite Rust were life members of the ‘Ahahui ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian Language Professional Organization) and the ‘Aha Mānaleo (Hawaiian Native Speaker Organization); and

WHEREAS, Kupuna A‘i and Kupuna Rust attended every ‘Aha Mānaleo (Native Speaker Convention); actively participating and providing great knowledge of their experiences and their first language, the Hawaiian language as geographically set in Kaupō, Hāna, Maui; and

WHEREAS, Kupuna A‘i’s knowledge of lā‘au lapa‘au surpassed many of her generation due to her exposure to the lessons of her kūpuna; and

WHEREAS, Kupuna A‘i was initiated into the Hale O Nā Ali‘i O Hawai‘i, Hālau ‘O Wahīika‘ahu‘ula (Helu ‘Ekahi) as a charter Lei Hulu Makua member on April 4, 1993; and

WHEREAS, Agnes A‘i was bestowed life membership in the Kuini Pi‘olani Hawaiian Civic Club in October, 2006, making her a member in good standing of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs for nearly 13 years; and

WHEREAS, Kupuna Agnes A‘i will be sorely missed, however, her legacy as a teacher, Kupuna, mother and grandmother, Hawaiian cultural practitioner will live long because of her excellence in the way she shared her knowledge.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at its 60th Annual Convention in Lahaina, Maui, in the malama of Welehu and the rising of Lāʻau Pau, this 16th day of November 2019, remembering dear kupuna and mānaleo Agnes Keliiloliola (Mahalo) A‘i, a native of Kaupō, Hāna, Maui; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to Mrs. A‘i’s Son, Alvin Kamahalo Beech; grandson, Brandon Chong, Hale O Nā Ali‘i O Hawai‘i, Hālau ‘O Wahīika‘ahu‘ula, Helu ‘Ekahi; The ‘Ahahui ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i; Mid Pacific Institute and the Kuini Pi‘olani Hawaiian Civic Club, as well as the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, President of the State Senate, Speaker of the State House of Representatives, Chair of the State Senate subject matter committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the State House subject matter committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and all County Mayors.

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted in the malama of Welehu and the rising of Lāʻau Pau on the 16th day of November 2019, at the 60th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs in Lahaina, Maui.

Hailama V. K. K. Farden, President