NO. 2020 – 47
WHEREAS, the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Declaration was drafted in May 2020 by a group of Native Hawaiian community members to have Native Hawaiian voices, values, and experiences influence the economic recovery of Hawaiʻi post COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Declaration calls for unity for those who have aloha for Hawaiʻi as our communities go through this huliau, a turning point or time of change, in which we find our communities thrust into a “new normal”; and
WHEREAS, in May 2020, the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs affirmed the declaration as an invitation to participate in an initiative in which people would gather to do the work of envisioning a sustainable Hawaiʻi post COVID-19 pandemic and craft policy solutions to get us there; and
WHEREAS, four guiding principles rooted in ʻIke Kupuna were established to guide the initiative which include ʻĀina Aloha, ʻŌpū Aliʻi, ʻImi ʻOi Kelakela, and Hoʻokipa; and
WHEREAS, the first guiding principle ʻĀina Aloha is described as: We are of and from this ʻāina that ultimately sustains us, we employ strategies for economic development that place our kuleana to steward precious, limited resources in a manner that ensures our long-term horizon as a viable island people and place; and
WHEREAS, the second guiding principle ʻŌpū Aliʻi is described as: Our leaders understand that their privilege to lead is directly dependent on those they serve, from the most vulnerable to the most privileged, we seek to regenerate an abundance that provides for everyone, decision makers understand and embrace their duty and accountability to community, and our social, economic and government systems engage and respond to a collective voice in integrative ways to balance power and benefit; and
WHEREAS, the third guiding principle ʻImi ʻOi Kelakela is described as: We are driven by creativity and innovation, constantly challenging the status quo, we are mindful and observant of needs, trends and opportunities and seek new knowledge and development opportunities in ways that enhance our way of life without jeopardizing our foundation of ʻāina aloha; and
WHEREAS, the fourth guiding principle Hoʻokipa is described as: We are inclusive and embrace the collective that will call Hawaiʻi home, grounded in the fundamental understanding that it is our kuleana to control and manage our resources in a way that allows us to fulfill our role as hosts here in our ʻāina aloha; and
WHEREAS, thousands of Hawaiʻi residents affirmed the declaration and then joined the initiative by providing input into the Huliau Action Agenda rubric scorecard, and participating in online workshops in different sectors to discuss Hawaiʻi’s economic future, including Creative & Performing Arts, Regenerative Tourism, Small Business, Environmental Resilience, Restoration & Management, Affordable & Sustainable Housing, Meeting Immediate Basic Needs, Community & Participatory Based Governance, Rethinking Education, Creating Circular Economies and Tech Industry & Infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Initiative has garnered, as of the drafting of this resolution, over 2700 signatories and 180 proposals and is embarking on next steps to guide decision-makers about Hawaiʻi’s economic recovery while continuing to seek input from communities; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, Kamehameha Schools, Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, Council of the County of Maui, Kauaʻi County Council, and Hawaiʻi County Council have also endorsed the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Declaration and Initiative.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at its 61st Annual Convention held online, in the malama of Makali‘i and the rising of ʻOlekūkolu, this 22nd day of November 2020, affirming the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Declaration and Initiative; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Committee, the President & CEO of the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, Chair of Council of the County of Maui, the Director of the County of Maui Planning Department, as well as the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, President of the State Senate, Speaker of the State House of Representatives, Chair of the State Senate subject matter committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the State House subject matter committee on Hawaiian Affairs, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and all County Mayors.
The undersigned herby certifies that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted in the malama of Makaliʻi and the rising of ʻOlekūkolu on the 22nd day of November 2020, at the 61st Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs held online.
Hailama V.K.K. Farden, President